Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Can’t Or Won’t?

That is the question to put to the Commissioner and her subordinates in the London Metropolitan Police in respect of the reports lodged by Swiss national Xavier Justo against a British national and ex-police officer.

There is no need to go into details of the complaint which have been fully reported on the Sarawak Report website. What is currently relevant is that the Met do not appear to have taken any follow up action, still less raised any prosecution against this fake police officer, or told the complainant why not.

The question must be why not? Too busy with knife crime and gangsterism generally? Or an officially imposed block on action organised by the substantial business elements implicated in the whole 1MDB scandal of which this blackmail case is an integral part?

The links between UK business interests in Malaysia and the ousted Najib government are well known, however much hush now surrounds them. Offices in the Commonwealth Headquarters building; still unexplained or even commented on. Business interests going back a century and more between London and Kuala Lumpur. Possible financial losses.

All reasons to go quiet on a criminal case that could, would, bring unsavoury links to public attention. However inactivity, masterful or otherwise, is NOT what the taxpayer funds the Met for. So let the public know what is going on or, at least, do something rather than nothing.

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