Sarawak Updates

Borneoland’s Illegal Workers – How Come No Action Against Hii Family?

Borneoland’s Illegal Workers – How Come No Action Against Hii Family?

22 Sep 2024
The ITTO (International Tropical Timber Organisation) and Sarawak Forestry Department have turned a deaf ear to complaints by NGOs and native communities about illegitimate logging in the conservation zone – the Penan Peace Park in Baram – funded by international donations and supposedly sponsored by both bodies. Last week the Immigration Dept raided the logging camp that turns out to have been operated by the state government crony Hii family and found at least 10 illegal immigrants working illegally ….
Balai Ringin Logjam – WHICH Company Is Responsible And HOW MUCH Were They Fined?

Balai Ringin Logjam – WHICH Company Is Responsible And HOW MUCH Were They Fined?

3 Sep 2024
YB Snowdan Lawan and his GPS colleagues must start by naming and shaming those behind the Balai Ringin disaster and opening a full open inquiry into how it was allowed to happen….
Sarawak’s ‘Green’ Hydropower Gambit Is Based On A False Premise

Sarawak’s ‘Green’ Hydropower Gambit Is Based On A False Premise

2 Sep 2024
Allegedly, onlookers are wowed and impressed by Sarawak’s ‘green’ policies, including for hydrogen, tree planting, carbon capture and the rest. Yet, right now, what is going on is not green in the least. Less greed and more genuine concern for good governance is needed to drive these plans…….
Sarawak’s ‘Advanced Technology’ Talk Is Already Out Of Date

Sarawak’s ‘Advanced Technology’ Talk Is Already Out Of Date

1 Sep 2024
Native communities in Sarawak, whose lands are immeasurably more valuable in terms of biodiversity than elsewhere on the planet, should take note of what is going on in the United States…….
Sarawak’s Lip Service Only Eco-policies

Sarawak’s Lip Service Only Eco-policies

27 Aug 2024
Local people are being thrown off their agricultural land in order to allegedly expand national parks while, at the same time, genuine forest pledged for conservation is still being left open to timber raiders. As ever, the Sarawak State Government is at the service of the logging tycoons whilst playing only lip service to the desperate current battle to save our human habitat…..
More Dayak Unrest In Niah Exposes a Pattern Of Discontent

More Dayak Unrest In Niah Exposes a Pattern Of Discontent

21 Aug 2024
Is it so very surprising that the dirt poor native people, who receive so little from Sarawak’s huge investment budget in the rural areas, are starting to tear down concrete, set up blockades and stand up to plantation owners to make their point?……

Dam Watch

Sarawak’s ‘Green’ Hydropower Gambit Is Based On A False Premise

Sarawak’s ‘Green’ Hydropower Gambit Is Based On A False Premise

2 Sep 2024
Allegedly, onlookers are wowed and impressed by Sarawak’s ‘green’ policies, including for hydrogen, tree planting, carbon capture and the rest. Yet, right now, what is going on is not green in the least. Less greed and more genuine concern for good governance is needed to drive these plans…….
Sarawak’s ‘Advanced Technology’ Talk Is Already Out Of Date

Sarawak’s ‘Advanced Technology’ Talk Is Already Out Of Date

1 Sep 2024
Native communities in Sarawak, whose lands are immeasurably more valuable in terms of biodiversity than elsewhere on the planet, should take note of what is going on in the United States…….


5 Oct 2023
As Sarawak leaders stand on the brink of an announcement of plans for further dam building, a shocking report has confirmed that the monstrous Bakun dam is critically in need of repair along with others in Malaysia. This has to happen before a single stone is laid to choke more rivers in the state …..
More Destruction Wreaked On Tragic Borneo Thanks To Lawless Greed

More Destruction Wreaked On Tragic Borneo Thanks To Lawless Greed

23 Aug 2021
Those responsible for this global tragedy are a handful of weak, corrupted politicians working for a timber mafia who are stripping the planet bare. The latest Baleh log-jam is testimony to the scale and shoddiness of their destructive activity – and the danger that puts Sarawak people in ……
“Energy Glut”? – Sarawak GPS Bigwig Admits Truth At Last!

“Energy Glut”? – Sarawak GPS Bigwig Admits Truth At Last!

20 Aug 2019
Taib’s former Political Secretary Karim Hamza has finally admitted to the failings of the state’s ill-conceived dam building programme, which has brought misery but not electricity to numerous communities…..
Damned Corruption Began With Bakun

Damned Corruption Began With Bakun

8 Jun 2019
The words of the Murum lumber boss that “it was always 100% about the timber” has applied to all of Sarawak’s mega-dam projects, starting with Bakun……

Gangster State

How Taib Family’s Palm Oil Thugs Enforce ‘Rough Justice’

How Taib Family’s Palm Oil Thugs Enforce ‘Rough Justice’

22 Feb 2021
Warning ‘VIOLENT CONTENT’ but you should view it ……
Who Is Representing Who In The Mulu Standoff? – SPECIAL SARAWAK INVESTIGATION

Who Is Representing Who In The Mulu Standoff? – SPECIAL SARAWAK INVESTIGATION

31 May 2019
This Pastor for years championed protests and police reports against the Mulu headmen and companies logging community lands. So, how did he suddenly become the poster boy for the timber barons citing ‘foreign interference’?…….
Thug Rule In Sarawak

Thug Rule In Sarawak

24 Feb 2019
Once again local people seeking to benefit from their own lands have found themselves ultimately combatted by brute force, mediated by ‘police’ hired by the plantation company in question……
No Further Action Re-Gopi – On Orders Of PM!

No Further Action Re-Gopi – On Orders Of PM!

17 Jul 2017
The case is due to be referred to the Deputy Public Prosecutor next week, who will then order No Further Action, on the official recommendation of the MACC. ….
Gopi Made Over A Hundred Calls To One Top Cop – And CID Chief Called Him Back! EXCLUSIVE

Gopi Made Over A Hundred Calls To One Top Cop – And CID Chief Called Him Back! EXCLUSIVE

6 Jul 2017
The scale of Malaysia’s vice protection racket takes on new proportions as we reveal the Head of CID was also calling alleged ringleader Gopi back! …….
Gopi’s Police Network – More Shocking Connections Identified From Gangster Suspect’s Call List MAJOR EXCLUSIVE

Gopi’s Police Network – More Shocking Connections Identified From Gangster Suspect’s Call List MAJOR EXCLUSIVE

5 Jul 2017
Sarawak Report demonstrated last month that the IGP himself, his son and his brother in law had all been in regular contact with the arrested suspected gangster ‘Gopi’, along with several of his top cops. Khalid admitted the information was true but he has refuted concerns about the connection, threatening Sarawak Report he could not answer for its safety if the Editor came to KL …..


Held Hostage By Najib And PetroSaudi! THE JUSTOS SPEAK OUT – MAJOR EXCLUSIVE!

Held Hostage By Najib And PetroSaudi! THE JUSTOS SPEAK OUT – MAJOR EXCLUSIVE!

28 Jul 2016
Justo was blackmailed into a forced confession without a lawyer present; the confession was taken by a British employee of PetroSaudi in the absence of any Thai officials or police; the PetroSaudi Director Patrick Mahony, the man behind all the accusations against Justo, gained exclusive access and supervision over him in jail; Mahony said the situation was being ultimately “controlled” by Najib; the lawyers and PR team, supposed to be representing Justo were, hired and controlled by PetroSaudi…
The Penan – Still Struggling to Save Our Jungle [FILM TRIBUTE]

The Penan – Still Struggling to Save Our Jungle [FILM TRIBUTE]

16 Oct 2011
The Penan are the iconic people of the Sarawak jungle. Most communities had settled into villages and rural life of one form or another over the last hundred years, but the Penan steadfastly stuck to their nomadic ways. With just a few possessions, easily carried on their backs, they have had nothing to lose but the jungle they live from[..]
Film Tribute To Ross Boyert

Film Tribute To Ross Boyert

2 Mar 2011
We filmed with the Boyerts and came to like and respect them. We now present that story as a tribute to their bravery in speaking out.
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