Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Complaint by a Mega Criminal

Press reports indicate that fugitive criminal Jho Low has complained about the seizure of a house in Penang. He claims, plaintively, that this property was built many years ago and is not in any way connected to the 1MDB scandal.

It is interesting that he makes this claim.By doing do he effectively admits complicity in the 1MDB affair. If that is not the case why mention it in his complaint?

The Press reports also indicate that this complaint was lodged by what the media call his “KL lawyers”. If that is correct ,and of course it may not be, then the lawyers concerned must have been in communication with him and should inform the PDRM where this fugitive is, or was when he instructed them.

Furthermore, since lawyers do not generally work for free, especially for clients with large assets, the PDRM should be enquiring how those concerned were paid. In particular whether any payment came, or could have come, from funds stolen by their client from 1MDB.

One supposes that these lawyers, following their civic duty, also informed the Police about the instructions received and answered the questions which the PDRM no doubt posed about the whereabouts of this wanted mega criminal. A public statement covering these various points would allay any worries the public may have about the efforts being, presumably, made by all Malaysian authorities concerned to locate this mega criminal and to bring him to trial as soon as possible.

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