Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Deadline Sarawak

In a month the Sarawak State election will be held. On one side, with hundreds of millions of stolen public money behind it, is the criminal organisation BN headed by the arch thief (and  perhaps worse) Najib Razak. On the other the cheated ground-down mass of the people of the State.

The latter have lost their native lands. Their once immense forests. Their priceess oil reserves. And worst of all perhaps their right to the benefits enjoyed by their fellow citizens in Semananjong.

All this has been taken from them by mega crook Taib Mahmud, assisted  by his token replacement as Chief Minister Adenan Satem and the criminal organisation known as BN. As everyone knows all this has ben made possible by blatant bribery, election malpractice, a local police force with permanently twisted necks from looking the other way and, it has to be said, by Sarawakians who have meekly taken bribes to vote BN, let election malpractice pass unchallenged and failed to stand up for their rights,

Admittedly the odds have been stacked against any political opposition. All elections have been manipulated to avoid the possibiity of opposition candidates being elected. The sole and remarkabke exception has been the Sarawak Chinese population who decisively threw out BN at the last election; and will do so again.

How? First they are educated voters.  Second a bribe of ten or twenty ringgit per vote does not have the attraction that it does in poverty stricken rural areas. Third to expect them to vote for Malay/Melanau crooks is a vain hope. Fourth they know what has been and is going on and who is profiting from it , whether corrupt members of their own community or the Malay/Melanau crooks with whom they conspire to steal the public wealth. On top of all that they are well educated and can see what is being done criminally to steal elections.

This election can be dfferent. For the fiirst time there is an independent radio station broadcasting to  the native people of the State explaining what is going on and how to deal with it.  It has the valuabe function of being able to expose, as the campaign unfolds, the criminal activities of BN as well as their real objective; to complete the rape of Sarawak’s assets and send the proceeds abroad; as they have been doing for decades.

There are probably few native people who do not know what has been going on. Fewer, much fewer, have personally benefited in any signifcant way from all that criminal activity. Logging permits for Assembly members, small bribes for police fficers and election officials and the like. The real problem is that, in a criminal environment, the criminals in control can get away with anything. Or they could.

Now with the Prime Minister and head if BN publicly shown to be a mega crook it is clear for all to see that they have been deprived of their heritage by a criminal regime. There is an answer to that.


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