Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Doom and Gloom?

PAS supporters are reported as claiming that there is nothing but this in what they apparently refer to as the “Pakatan era”. Since the word era implies a long period of time this would appear to be an admission that Malaysia can look forward to a long spell of PH government!

Unfortunately these “doomers and gloomers” are not specific about their worries. However it is not hard to find the poison of extremism in their outbursts. While it is praiseworthy to defend one’s co-religionists against persecution or other discrimination it is absurd to demand that religious adherence must be the sole consideration in deciding how to vote.

It would be difficult for PAS to show what positive contribution it has made to government either in the States where it is influential or in Malaysia as a whole. Which is probably why they do not do this but reserve their energies for extremism and propaganda.

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