Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Educational Booby Trap

The state government of Sarawak have announced, with a flurry of self-congratulation, that they have agreed with the University of Cambridge in the UK to set up special schools.

No doubt the Cambridge authorities concerned have been acting in good faith, albeit curious naivety, in having discussions on this project with the Sarawak government. Can they really be unaware of the abysmal record of this State government including the almost total destruction of the vast rainforests of the State for the sole purpose of illegally enriching Sarawak politicians and their chinese businessmen associates?

In view of the record Cambridge should pull back at once from an association with criminal elements which can only reflect badly both on their knowledge and political naivety.

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