Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Finally got the message

“UMNO” “President” Zahid appears to have finally got the message. That being that someone with over forty criminal charges hanging over him

really isn’t what any political party needs at its head.

How this will affect BN/PAS relations is not yet clear. Perhaps PAS chief Hadi will take the opportunity of his visit to London, to address a handful of PAS supporters there, to comment on future BN/PAS relations and co-operation. That is the least he owes to the Malay community after describing non-Malay Malaysians as “coolies”

Let us hope that he does not employ racist language while in the United Kingdom where to do so is to invite summary arrest and prosecution. If, improbably, he has a Malaysian diplomatic passport he could, in those circumstances, expect summary expulsion on the next plane to KL.

As UMNO very publicly falls apart PAS supporters would do well to consider the path on which Hadi wants to launch them and do the right thing. Sack him.

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