Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Judicial Abuses

If only because top Judges were illegally appointed to extended terms in the Federal Court and the Court of Appeal there should be a Royal Commission of Enquiry into abuse of and by the Judiciary more generally and recent instances re-inforce the need for that.

It is unthinkable that abuse of any kind can find a place in any of the Courts and the higher the alleged wrongdoing the more serious it is and the need for enquiry essential.

Throughout the Najib regime there occurred instances of judicial conduct that led to widespread fears concerning corruption and surrender by judges to Administration pressures. All these should form part of the remit of whatever Enquiry is now established and PH should be seen as totally open to revealing scandal, abuse and outright criminal behaviour.

If a Prime Minister could and did mega loot public money for his private gain and if there appeared to be any indication that he received judicial support or judicial inactivity over that, all the dirty details must come out and those guilty be punished. The voters will accept nothing less.

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