Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Need For An Enquiry

The recent announcement of the appointment of a successor to the about to retire Deputy IGP raises other issues than the mere filling of an impending vacancy in the PDRM as a series of recent scandals mean the already existing doubts about the PDRM leadership have intensified.

Given that the current IGP Is to retire in May it is logical that in choosing a new Deputy IGP the PH administration are appointing a member of the PDRM “old guard” to the headship of the Force without carrying out the very evidently necessary enquiry in depth into the Force in general and its leadership cadre in particular.

Given the series of scandals that have plagued the Force and reduced public confidence in it to near zero the decision to “go along” with the existing management cadre  can only be seen as grossly negligent of public safety or, worse, a deliberate closing of official eyes to a long litany of crime and incompetence. Do the PH Government REALLY think that that is what they were elected to do?

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