Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

No Cover Up

The obvious reluctance of some of the Judiciary to pursue the question of the constitutionality of legal appointments made by the discredited former Prime Minister may be understandable as a matter of not wanting to wash dirty linen in public.

But any member of the Judiciary who takes such a view is wrong both in the legal and moral senses. Dr. Mahathir is right to pursue the question of the constitutionality of top judicial appointments made by the Agong on the advice of former PM Najib.

In fact and in law there is no doubt that those appointments were made in defiance of the perfectly clear provisions of the Constitution. Nor any doubt that the motive was to retain in office Judges who had shown themselves favourable to the discredited regime of Najib and BN.

Presumably those members of the Judiciary who now oppose any further enquiry or action of any kind are motivated by a wish to conceal the fact that very senior former colleagues connived with corrupt politicians to remain illegally in office and thus brought disgrace on the legal profession and the Judiciary. A wish that, however understandable, is totally unacceptable and one that lowers the reputations of those concerned in the eyes of their professional colleagues and the public in general.

The Constitution is the cornerstone of the country. If it is not respected and followed illegality will flourish un-checked ;as it did under Najib. So the Prime Minister is absolutely correct in pursuing this question and it is the duty of the Courts to determine it rather than try to obstruct.

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