Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Not Before Time

Press reports, which may or may not be accurate, indicate that in January action will begin to clean up the PDRM which acquired such a dire reputation during the Najib years.

If these reports ARE correct the process should begin with the removal not just of the IGP, as the reports indicate, but the whole of the top echelon of the Force. Nothing less will satisfy the electorate which has had to stand by impotently for years while a corrupt PDRM did whatever criminal PM Najib told it to.

A police force is there to serve and protect the public and no one in the PDRM who does not understand and practice this role is fit to be a member, still less to hold high command.

This why, in the search for a new IGP and new senior officers it may be necessary to go far down the ranks of the Force to find uncontaminated individuals who are both clean and able to take on senior supervisory roles.

That task could be eased by a drastic pruning of the structure of the higher ranks in the Force. In past times it got by very well with a much smaller number of higher-ranking officers and it could do so again. Whoever takes the helm next should recall that and work towards making the supervisory structure both much more efficient and totally honest.

Not an easy task but a very rewarding one for the right person.

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