Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Promise but never deliver

Whichever PR consultant, hired by the Taib gang as part of their pre-election campaign, came up with that particular slogan he wrote more truly than he knew.

Taib and his fellow criminals have been promising for decades but all they deliver is the money they get from the timber they steal and send abroad. And that money is delivered exclusively to their illegal offshore bank accounts.

Taib and his representative Abang Jo can go on lying their heads off as they prepare to cheat the Sarawak electorate one more time, But now there is a difference. Sarawakians know that Taib’s uncle and criminal PM Najib’s father conspired to steal Sarawak’s oil wealth which has been flowing into Federal coffers ever since with little if anything going the other way.

PH have accepted the support of Sarawak BN, now re-branded as Gabungan Parti Sarawak. They don’t need it and should be ashamed to accept the help of one of Malaysia’s most blatant kleptocrats, Taib Mahmud, and his dubious Sarawak associates. Friendship or personal obligation have no part in government and those so affected should realise that and act honestly. What should happen between now and the coming State election in Sarawak is a full scale MACC investigation into the whole Taib gang and their continuing thefts of Sarawak’s resources for the past decades.

The evidence is there to be gathered. All that seems to be lacking is the political will. Why? It is never too late to act.

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