Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Public or Private

A lot of media noise is being generated at the moment as to whether Khazanah is a public or private entity.

Without entering into that debate it is legitimate to ask whether those presently responsible for this very large fund are satisfied with how it was managed during the Najib/BN years.

Given the doubts about other such funds and the importance of Khazanah in financial terms it would be advisable to have a full forensic examination made of its books.

To avoid all possible doubt about the validity of any reports that such an examination was not properly or fully carried out the task should be entrusted to an impartial international firm with no local links.

Your views are valuable to us, but Sarawak Report kindly requests that comments be deposited in suitable language and do not support racism or violence or we will be forced to withdraw them from the site.


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