Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Tarnished Images?

An unfortunate Malaysian yesterday fell victim to the absurd law that permits the criminal punishment of those who make “derogatory” statements about others.

In this instance he was accused of making such statements about mega thief Najib and joke accomplice Attorney General Apandi. How it could be possible to make derogatory remarks about one who has stolen billions of public money and his legal jackal Apandi passes understanding.

Can we expect the descendants of Hitler and Stalin to start such proceedings in Malaysia’s comic courts? The magistrate cannot have been unaware of the criminal reputation of Najib, assuming he can read the US DOJ denunciation of “MO1” and, as to Apandi, what Malaysian lawyer can have anything but contempt for an AG who “cleared” Najib while holding up written proof of the latter’s criminal conduct?

Of course both will go to jail after GE14 and the unfortunate victim of yesterday’s Kafkaesque proceedings should be repaid the fine as well as having the satisfaction of seeing the convicting Magistrate returned to the private sector to earn what he can; if anything.

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