Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

War Or Struggle?

The UMNO leader is struggling to efface the ill effects of his call for a “jihad” against Pakistan Harapan.  Jihad, he claims, does not mean “war “but what he claims, “struggle”.

Even if that were true, and who will believe him, why did he not simply call on voters to support his party and its friends PAS? That would be normal political practice. But he did not do that. Instead he called to urge “jihad” against PH. How can that have any meaning other than the use of violence of all kinds? What do today’s “jihadis” do? Blow themselves up in order to kill as many innocent bystanders as possible.

THAT is what everyone understands jihad to mean. And so it is what Malays may well take the UMNO boss to have meant. Any blood spilt as a result will be on his head and in the meantime he should be prosecuted for inciting racial hatred and violence against innocent citizens who happen not to be Islamic fanatics.

Malaysia has had enough of racial politics. All that they can achieve is hatred and violence. To vote racially is to demonstrate an inability to judge politicians on their merits and their records. If the UMNO boss thinks his fellow Malays are that stupid he is in for another electoral shock

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