Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Oil Puppet

Who, one has to ask, does Sarawak CM Abang Openg think he is fooling, apart from himself it goes without saying. So Sarawak will work together with Petronas to look for more oil. Big deal! If there isn’t any new oil Petronas gets its exploration at half cost and the Sarawak taxpayer picks up that […]

Sharing Aspirations

As a prominent British comedian once said “you couldn’t make it up.” Arch criminal Najib, of all people, calling on Malaysians to share religious aspirations. What aspirations was he referring to? The Christian “Thou shalt not steal” or an Islamic equivalent linked to a loss of hands? Does he really think that such urgings, coming

Did you see?

A rhetorical, and sarcastic, question posed by an MP to running dog Khalid. It related to whether Khalid had seen the evidence proving that arch thief Najib had stolen huge sums from SRC. Of course Khalid had! Until he broke his professional conduct standards, and the law, by running to Najib to tell him that


The son of PAS leader Hadi is reported in the Malaysian Press as describing Amanah members as betraying those who voted for them. He was, presumably, referring to those who voted for PAS candidates in the 2013 general election? Since he was not then asked the obvious follow up question let us pose it here.

A Positive Step

The actions of the Rulers in recent years have not inspired confidence in the system entrenched in the Constitution. There the Rulers have a privileged position and their status is preserved. That was one of the matters agreed by the British when Independence was being discussed and therefore an agreed role for the Rulers was

Recent Achievements

Arch thief Najib Razak is reported to have urged Malaysians to “build on recent achievements” Unfortunately he did not go on to specify any of these. So there is room for speculation. Selling Malaysia to Beijing in return for money to enable him to conceal his thefts from 1MDB? Paying lawyer Shafee RM 9 million

All forms of corruption?

The Chairman of the MACC Advisory Board has said that the MACC should deal with all forms of corruption in the Police, even at “the highest level” If this was aimed at IGP Khalid it is welcome, if long overdue. Whether the MACC will take the advice of its Advisors is, of course, another matter

The Tide has Changed

So alleges BN Minister Rahman who tried to talk up the ringgit in a public declaration. Well, in one sense, he is correct. The tide certainly has changed and BN’s long, corrupt, grip on Malaysia is fading faster every day. As to the ringgit the only reason that it remains relatively stable is that the

1000 Pieces of Silver

A government spokesperson claimed that lawyer Shafee, who conducted the case against Anwar Ibrahim in the place of any government lawyer, was only paid RM1000 for that work. Was he then doing the government a favour by replacing all of their permanent and pensionable lawyers as prosecutor? No explanation has been offered for this extraordinary

Four per cent of nothing

Foreign bankers and investors are reputed to intend to return to Malaysian government bonds after shunning these in the recent past. The reason? The return, at 4%, is attractive in a situation where real bonds, like US Treasuries, offer less than half that rate of return. Looked at solely in the light of rate of

Political Landmine

Mega thief Najib’s own words when speaking about a proposal for single stream schools. Landmine indeed! Apart from bringing all Malaysians together from infant school status upwards it would weaken the “privileged status” enjoyed by the Malay community and would tend to teach young Malaysians that the concept of race is an outdated relic of

Watching Brief

Malaysian lawyer Jagit Singh has publicly announced that he has been retained by the N. Korean Embassy in Kuala Lumpur with a watching brief in the Jong Nam murder case. He did not elaborate so one is left to wonder why this Embassy feels that it needs legal representation in this scandalous murder case. The

Compatible with democratic practice?

Political lobbying is quite alright declares Minister Reezal Merican provided it is so compatible. What world is he living in? Does he think Najib is a democrat? Of the kind that buys elections perhaps. Arch thief Najib has certainly done that and is presumably hoping to do it once more with GE 14. Lobbying is

Chief Minister or chief Sycophant?

Abang Johari, Sarawak’s Chief Minister from Sarawak’s minority Malay community, has given proof positive that he is a Malay before he is a Sarawakian by stating that now is not the time to press for an increase in Sarawak’s absurdly low 5% share in the revenues from the State’s oil. Putrajaya, having stolen this birth

The Fund the Lawyer and the Thief

As recently disclosed in detail by Sarawak Report arch thief Najib Razak had possession of and illegally disbursed hundreds of millions of ringgit stolen from the public fund SRC. Not content with using this money to buy the 2013 election by criminal means he also spent some of it on luxury cars and his personal

Buy your way out?

Mega thief Najib Razak is becoming increasingly worried that the wheels of justice are grinding their way ever closer to him and his accomplices. Not in Malaysia of course where he has his crony Attorney General Apandi blocking all prosecutions but outside his country where he is both known as a mega thief and has

A Nasty Surprise.

For whom? Well, to begin with, the Yang di Pertuan Agong who will be annoyed to find Malaysia being described in a public document submitted to the US government as a Republic. Malaysia is many things but a Republic it is not. Or is this a precursory announcement by Najib that he intends to take

I Am More Knowledgeable.

So Dzulkifli, MACC boss, stated publicly when speaking about MACC activity, or rather lack of it, against politicians. We won’t act, he says, against any politicians until after the election. This is a very interesting statement when looked at closely. Firstly, how does he know when the election will be held unless he has improperly

Major Internal Re-shuffle.

Thus Home Minister Zahid speaking about the PDRM. If he had been referring to the pressing, long-standing need to clean house at Bukit Aman his statement would have been welcomed, if overdue. But not so. All that is involved is that some police officers have been found to be corrupt and allowing criminal activity to

Total clean up?

Malaysians have learned the hard way to treat all government policy statements as false and misleading. For instance, everything that Najib and his fellow criminals have said about 1 MDB. Deputy PM Zahid took these lies a step further in issuing a statement that his government would engage in a “total clean up” of corrupt

Credible Witness?!

Once again Malaysia’s government lawyers have brought shame and derision on themselves by their handling of the Anwar “sodomy” case. In the latest episode in this disgraceful legal saga the government is trying to strike out Anwar’s attempt to have the conviction set aside. The lawyer appearing for the Government even described the suit by

Interpol substitute?

Serial apologist, and also DPM, Zahid has stated publicly that the three Turkish nationals deported back to Turkey from Malaysia had not been so sent on the demand of the Turkish government but after a request from what he called the Counter Message Centre. This latter, until now unheard of in Malaysia, remains so because

I make no apologies.

Thus arch thief Najib speaking to the Press about his China visit. His latest lie? Working with China will make Malaysia a first world nation. Is it not already? After 60 plus years of UMNO domination and rule. Well. No. But only a fool and a liar like Najib would admit it so publicly. What

Full Confidence?

Mega thief Najib Razak has hastened to proclaim his “full confidence” in 1MDB boss Arul Kanda. In a similar instance that other dictator, Hitler, proclaimed his full confidence in General Rommel; before having him executed for “treason” It is a parallel that Kanda should bear in mind. Alive he represents perhaps the most damning potential

World’s stupidest Minister?

Malaysian Minister Paul Low is reported as stating that the public should not be the judge of kleptocracy! On the face of it this must be the silliest public pronouncement of the year, even by UMNO standards. Since he is a Minister and drawing the salary of one he must surely know that he is,

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