Land Grabs

Corruption And Abuse of Power – Irrefutable Evidence Against Taib. Exclusive!

Certain people in high places are given to alleging that the facts which have been published in Sarawak Report may not be true.  Yet, the allegations we have published have been verifiable and documented. Likewise, available to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission in the government’s own register of companies, is the following irrefutable information. The company Mesti Bersatu is […]

Deepening Scandal – Taib’s Land Grabs Exposed !

Sarawak Report has been piecing together documentation that enables us to prove for the first time that the Chief Minister has conducted land thefts on a  massive scale from the people of Sarawak.   Using a number of sources, many of which Taib has shamefully attempted to keep secret, we are now unravelling detailed information showing the full extent of his seizures of Native Customary Rights Lands for

Taib Share Shock ! – Exclusive

Sarawak Report can reveal that the Chief Minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud, has a major personal shareholding in Sarawak’s highly controversial  Royal Mulu Resort,  a project that has received huge injections of cash from the State.  This means that, as both Chief Minister and Finance Minister, Taib has authorised the diversion of large sums of public money straight into his own pocket. As

Ibans Do Get Raw Deal – Admits Borneo Post

Even the Borneo Post, Taib’s favourite propaganda sheet, has found itself unable to spin away the dire distress of  the Iban population, which it alleges is so supportive of Taib Mahmud and BN. In an article last week, the paper loyally insisted that Iban communities have “expressed their strong support” for the elderly Chief Minister to remain in charge, with

Oxford Demonstration Against Taib

If the people of Oxford had not heard of Abdul Taib Mahmud, Chief Minister of Sarawak, until today, they certainly know all about him now.  His visit, tied to Sarawak’s heavy sponsorship of the Said Business School’s ‘Inaugural Global Islamic Branding and Marketing Forum’, was supposed to buy him credibility.  In the event it ended up as a

Taib’s Top Gig

The Said Business School, Oxford University Taib’s Big Moment As the news about Taib’s top gig in the UK started to break in the astonished host city of Oxford last week, anyone who was anyone in Sarawak was piling into planes (who paid?) to come and applaud the great moment.  If you were not invited on Taib’s big trip,

Police Gangsters

The once proud, well-trained Sarawak police force are now mere lackeys of the timber companies, as events yesterday make only too obvious. The Penan, who have been erecting peaceful jungle blockades in protest at the savage destruction of their hereditory lands,  were yesterday confronted in Long Sebayang,  Limbang by gun-waving policemen.  They were acting on behalf of

Flying to Freedom

Well done Sibu!

They came with flattery and promises of much needed investment. They used their control of the state and the media to bombard the city with propaganda and of course Flying to Freedom THREATS that if it did not vote for BN they would make sure the region was punished. But, despite all this, the people of Sibu recognised their real interests; they made a stand

‘Millions for Development’ Who profits?

Members of the Sarawak Government always accuse people who criticise their policies of being enemies of ‘progress, development and modernisation’. These government policies include stripping the country of its rainforests, taking Native Customary Rights Lands from traditional communities and covering thousands of square kilometres with palm oil plantations. But who is really profiting? Taib Mamud

Mafrel Report

 Excerpts From Mafrel’s Reports Into The Problems Of Gaining Birth Certificates And Voter Registration For Citizens In Rural Regions Of Sarawak – November 2009             Problems to obtain Birth Certificate Many problems caused the communities here to go without birth certificate. A major complaint is that those kids born in clinics are given birth certificates

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