Red Alert! – Malaysian PM May Have Gone Bonkers

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Clare Rewcastle Brown, an alleged participant in a conspiracy to disparage Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his administration, is now Malaysia’s person-of-interest (POI) with law enforcement agencies in 190 countries.

It’s at their discretion if she is allowed entry into these Interpol member countries….

“This POI status is the first phase of the Interpol move,” a source disclosed.

The second phase would be when the Lyon-based International police coalition would then convene a panel to decide what status would Rewcastle Brown be categorised, and there is a strong possibility she would come under a “Red Notice Alert” category.

Federal police are confident of Interpol’s cooperation following discussions between Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar and Interpol secretary-general Jurgen Stock during the Asean police chiefs meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia this week.

While Rewcastle Brown remains a POI, the Attorney-Generals Chambers, through Wisma Putra, is expected to liaise with UK’s Crown Prosecution Service to execute the arrest warrant.

“Police can seek mutual legal understanding for criminal matters for the CPS to make the application at courts there.”

….Citing an example, the legal source said Malaysia authorities are still awaiting approval from Vietnam to extradite eight suspects linked to the MT Orkim Harmony tanker hijacking in June.

…In unrelated case, a suspected terrorist, believed to be Iranian, still remains behind bars in Malaysia pending final disposal of his extradition hearing here based on a Thai application.

The said individual was one of three linked to the Valentine Day bombings in Bangkok, Thailand three years ago.


Sarawak Report will be making its own enquiries of Interpol following these public statements by Malaysian police officials.

Let’s see if Interpol agrees that SR should be placed in a similar international Red Alert category as hijackers and bomb touting terrorists for being “an alleged participant in a conspiracy to disparage Prime Minister Najib Razak”.

Is Najib to be thus treated like a God, where criticism becomes blasphemy – i.e. has he gone bonkers?

The “crime” the Malaysians have in fact come up to charge us with is “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy”.

This as everyone in Malaysia knows is highly ironic, because the person who has in fact done most to undermine parliamentary democracy by his actions, particularly over the past few days, has been the Prime Minister himself.

He has become a repeat and extreme offender in this category of crime, shocking all onlookers in the process: he has sacked numerous supposedly independent officers of the law, in order to prevent them going about their duties; he has suspended newspapers who were reporting responsibly on alleged crimes against the state; he has threatened the rest of the media that he will take harsh action without warning if they displease; he has announced plans to curb the internet by new rules forcing bloggers to get licensed permission from his government; he has closed the PAC; he has sacked the AG; he has silenced the Auditor General’s report on 1MDB; barred this blog; arrested peaceful protestors and withheld their right to legal representation, and generally abused his executive powers in every direction in order to break and destroy the very core principles of parliamentary democracy, which are the of separation of powers; the independence of the judiciary and law enforcement arms of the state and media freedom.

Najib has equally trodden on personal liberties which are the fundamental purpose of a parliamentary democracy, defined by the freedom to believe what you want and to express your beliefs and engage in peaceful protests.

Najib has been attacking these personal freedoms as fast as he can go (having previously argued he would uphold them) with a whole new panoply of laws allowing for people to be locked up if they criticise him.

Quite apart from all the above crimes against parliamentary democracy this same abuser of the power of the executive has also just admitted to receiving the most gigantic imaginable secret “donation’ to what appears to have been his campaign to win the last election from an anonymous foreigner.

What more dreadful assault on a nation’s parliamentary democracy could there be than an externally funded secret attempt to buy an election outcome with illegal sums of secret money?!

If SR is to be placed on an Interpol Red List for activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy therefore, how much more so should Datuk Seri Najib Razak!

Of course, Mr PM was also being investigated over a number of other more universally recognisable criminal charges as well by the forces of law and order in Malaysia (such as theft and bribery), which was the cause of all this abusive action against the independence of the law by Najib’s over-mighty executive in the first place.

This attempt to interfere with the work of the police, of course, enters into the realm of yet a third category of crime, which is the perversion of the course of justice, as certain senior Malaysian law enforcers have themselves started to venture to point out.

But, the police are choosing to prosecute us, who have brought these matters to people’s attention instead.

Clearly, this Prime Minister is very much of the opinion that he is above all laws, which he nevertheless believes he can apply to everyone else at will, not only in his own country but also on the other side of the world.

Has he gone bonkers or is he really God?

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