Beware Of Insincere Politicians….

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Beware of insincere green groups, Masing warns Adenan:

Made wise by bitter past experiences in dealing with international forest conservancy groups, Sarawak Land Development Minister Tan Sri Dr James Masing warned Chief Minister Tan Sri Adenan Satem to be cautious when dealing with them.

“I give them the benefit of the doubt on their sincerity but bitter past experience has cautioned me to be wise when dealing with foreign NGOs,” Masing said on Adenan’s offer to forest conservancy groups in Europe last week to work with Sarawak on managing the state’s forest…

“If the chief minister seeks my opinion on this, I will advise him to work with foreign NGOs that are genuine and sincere.

“However, if they have hidden agendas and equip themselves only with assumptions, perceptions and half truths, I will, if asked, advise the chief minister to cease and desist further engagement with them,” Masing said.



Mr Masing ought to spell out which “hidden agenda’ he is referring to.

NGOs are not angling for land, contracts or concessions nor do they have any political ambitions within the state.

Sadly, all the above are very much on the agenda of most BN politicians. Is it the NGO exposures of such corruption that he is referring to as his own “bitter experience”?

NGOs like BMF and Sarawak Report are quite open about their remits and agendas, which concern human rights and the conservation of Sarawak’s unique world heritage environment.

And they are supportive of those who champion these legitimate causes for future generations of Sarawakians and all mankind.

If these champions genuinely include Adenan Satem he will receive their support as well.

But, everyone knows how wary one must be of the danger of insincere politicians.


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