Criticising me is creating disunity and you go to Hell!

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Najib also criticised Malaysians who ridiculed their own country, and said that all countries faced challenges.

He said the Rohingya refugees were far more grateful than Malaysians, who were unaware how fortunate they are to live in a peaceful country.

“The Rohingya risk their lives to come here by boat, as soon as they enter Malaysia’s shores, they kneel down and kiss our ground.

“But we condemn our own country. We are not aware. We are ungrateful that we live in a peaceful country that is constantly improving,” said Najib.

The prime minister is facing heavy criticism from Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and opposition leaders over the 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) scandal, the goods and services tax (GST) and a myriad of other issues.

Is this the same Prime Minister who was turning the Rohingyas away from his shores, women and children included, until international condemnation forced him to show humanity?

Now he uses their name in a bid to say that any one who criticises corrupt practices at 1MDB will go to Hell!

He forgets he is running a supposed democracy, where people are meant to have opinions and are in charge of the government.

Right now, since he is cornered over those criticisms, he is trying to scare Malaysians with claims that he can wield total power over everything and terrorise and abuse his critics into accepting a barrage of lies and excuses.

He is even telling people that it is he who can decide who goes to heaven and hell.

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