Criticism. Masing style

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Sarawak Minister James Masing has appealed to former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and other critics of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to give him and his team sufficient time to deliver the goods. “Don’t interfere prematurely,” said Masing. “Please give Najib more time to prove himself.”

Likewise, he reiterated, Najib should be given sufficient time. “The Prime Minister has already ordered an audit of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). Let the Auditor-General and the Parliamentary Accounts Committee (PAC) do their job.”

“The members must stay together. Criticism within an organisation is only acceptable if it serves a purpose which will benefit it, but not to topple leaders.”

In what must be seen as a serious bid for the title of Clown of the Year, Sarawak Mnister James Masing, referring to the 1MDB scandal, said that criticism “is only acceptable if it serves a purpose” but not acceptable “if it is to topple leaders”!

That sums up both Masing and BN Sarawak. He went on to ask that we “give Najib more time to prove himself” Most people by now have made up their minds that Najib has already proved himself to be incompetent; but not Masing. Maybe that is why he has been a, noticeably, incompetent Minister for so many years.

Taking time to prove himself? Actually it is past time for the electors of Sarawak to notice that the State’s political leadership would do better as employees of a circus; where their clownish behaviour could earn them some genuine applause.

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