Daud Working Hard….

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“Claims by certain groups that they were marginalised were made because they had not done enough nor worked hard for success,” Daud had said.

The assistant minister must have referred to earlier statements from Sarawak Dayak Graduates Association and DIG on certain departments or government agencies which have one single-race management to the exclusion of other races.

… Daud had also warned that raising racial issues would only create tension among the races and disturb Sarawak’s political stability that had enabled it to progress and develop.

He added that all races represented in various ministerial and important decision-making posts in government departments is proof that no race is marginalised.

Sarawak Report has on numerous occasions reported on how hard-working and energetic Mr Daud has been, when it comes to advancing his own interests.

The question is, do his efforts present a shining example?

He has abused his ministerial position (Minister for Infrastructure Development) to allow hundreds of millions in state contracts to pour into his own construction companies.

And he has even abused his position as the Chair of the Islamic Baitulmal Fund to achieve the same outcome, awarding religious building contracts to his own company and then sub-contracting days later for millions in profit.

Instead of his offensive and racist jibe at the Dayak people, therefore, this crooked minister should provide some facts and figures on which minority groups have actually enjoyed the vast majority of top public jobs in Sarawak over the past few decades.

Then he can talk about who is responsible for stirring up religious and racial feelings.

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