Desperately Seeking Dirt

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They [“investigators”] are also trying to establish how Clare from just a reporter changed her lifestyle after she started attacking Taib and now, after she started attacking Najib, her lifestyle is taking on the shape and form of the very people she is attacking. There is no doubt that Clare is flush with money and someone is spending big bucks to finance her attacks on Najib, said the investigators.

Investigators are now probing Clare and Sarawak Report to establish how much money she has been receiving these last few years and who is the one (or the ones) who is/are funding her (although they already more or less know who). They already know that the money comes from outside the UK but what they now want to know is how much of that money is undeclared and has been hidden from the eyes of the UK taxman.

They are also trying to establish how Clare from just a reporter changed her lifestyle after she started attacking Taib and now, after she started attacking Najib, her lifestyle is taking on the shape and form of the very people she is attacking. There is no doubt that Clare is flush with money and someone is spending big bucks to finance her attacks on Najib, said the investigators.

Well, good luck to the investigators because I am sure that a sharp cookie like Clare would know how to cover her tracks and not leave a paper trial. After all, her job is to probe others so she must know what mistakes they made, which means she would know what to do to avoid getting caught.

The investigators, however, claim that it is not difficult to get to the truth. They point out the lavish multi-million-apartment that she lives in which would not be possible unless you are in the million-dollar bracket.

RPK, the author of this material, lives in the UK.

He has taken quite a bit of hospitality from his present target, which could be ill-afforded on the limited budget of our radio project RFS at the time.

He therefore knows that ‘Clare’ lives in the same 4th floor flat (no lift) that she moved into after getting married 20 years ago.

So much for this “life-style change’.

The cost in 1992 was £162,000 and that has now boosted to the “multi-million” current estimate of around £1.6m.

Malaysian money is involved – to the extent that the country’s exported billions have been inflating prices in London’s property market.

The budget for Radio Free Sarawak comes from a foundation that focuses on rainforest issues in Europe and also from donations from the public.

‘Clare’ gets some freelance journalism and consultancy fees, which over the past decade have registered below the UK tax threshold.

Travel expenses are carried by the budget for the not for profit Radio Free Sarawak, which she also manages.

So, investigate away RPK and of course the estimable ‘Winifred Poh’.

By the way, how come you got such a flash new BMW right after you spun on your axis and went from supporting reformasi to being the pet barking dog for Najib Razak?

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