Does Najib Benefit From RPK’s ‘Perceptions’?

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“Even those who support the government and do not regard what Najib did as wrong — since Umno needs the money to finance the elections — say that the mistake Najib made was in transferring the money to his personal bank account when he could have used another bank account that would not be linked to him…..

“Now, assuming Najib does resign and Muhyiddin does replace him as Prime Minister, there are a few things Muhyiddin must take into consideration ……. Umno and Barisan Nasional must no longer spend RM1.5 billion to RM2.5 billion for the general elections. The maximum limit that Umno and Barisan Nasional should spend is just under RM100 million, which is what the law allows based on the number of parliament and state seats being contested.

“Of course, come the 2018 general election this would mean Umno and Barisan Nasional are going to get kicked out if all they spend is less than RM100 million. And if they spend just RM7 million in the Sarawak State election next year, like what the law allows, then Barisan Nasional is going to get kicked out of that state.”

This blogger, who is a known mouthpiece of the Prime Minister at the present time, does little credit to the UMNO mentality with such utterances.

He claims that those who support the government think it is perfectly OK to steal billions from a development fund to pay for illegal election expenses.

Funny, how most political parties look to their supporters to pay for elections rather than stealing public money and lying about the purpose for borrowing it to the official regulators and the country at large.

According to RPK, UMNO knows better and happily steals away.

He warns that if this practice is put a stop to and were UMNO to stick to legal spending limits in elections then they could not hope to win in future.

That is sufficient justification, in his view, for stealing billions of the public’s own money and illegal vote buying.

RPK makes plain his view that government supporters think Najib’s only fault was to make a “mistake” – i.e. it was not the crime that was the problem, only that he got caught.

Does this mafia mentality really rule in Malaysia?

As the saying goes, with friends such as RPK does Najib need enemies?

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