Does Najib Plan Racial Riots?

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If the authorities fail to act against the counterfeit goods and foreign traders at Petaling Street, a riot may erupt at the iconic tourist spot in Kuala Lumpur… Umno division chief Jamal Md Yunos issued the warning.. outside the Ampang district police headquarters today.

“If the authorities don’t act by Friday, I am 99 percent certain on Saturday, there would be a rally and a riot may happen,” he said.

“I am the middleman between those who rioted that day (and the ministry). I have conveyed their demands to the authorities and it is now up to the authorities.

“But if the authorities don’t take action by Friday and if anything happens, I would not be responsible,”

On Sept 16, Jamal said he managed to pacify those at Petaling Street, which is also known as China Town, with the agreement to raise their concerns with the authorities.

He reiterated that they wanted action taken against the traders there, who seem to be invincible due to the absence of raids and arrests.

“Petaling Street sells counterfeit goods and traders there comprise of Myanmarese, Bangladeshis and Nepalese

“They also want traders to share the business with other races and not to be monopolised by the Chinese alone,” he said.

On Sept 16, the Federal Reserve Unit was forced to fire its water cannon to disperse the protesters who pelted police personnel with bottles and rocks.

Since this Yunos was outside a police station when he uttered these threatening and disorderly remarks, it begs the question why he was not arrested on the spot?

Maybe those inside were too busy issuing warrants against investigative reporters, who have spotted crimes they themselves have failed to notice?

Yunos’s trump card is that everyone knows he works directly for the PM, so his thuggery is supported by the man in charge, who himself is so desperate over his political position that he has resorted to equating his own loss of face with that of the whole Malay race.

He has in fact brought shame only on himself and rightful anger amongst compatriots.

The question is how far does Najib plan to take this tactic?

Is he willing even to spark riots and murders to divert attention from his own political woes – and then perhaps to call a state of emergency to ‘bring control’ over a situation that he himself deliberately provoked?

Does he plan to stage all this while he himself is delicately absent at his wife’s fashion show in Milan, in order that he can ride home to the ‘rescue’ on his jumbo jet once the rampagers have done their work?

If this is the plan Najib, cancel it now.  It will fool no one and the world will not forgive.

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