Good Star ‘Belongs To PetroSaudi’ – Latest From 1MDB

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Mr. Low did not respond to requests for comment.

In a statement to The New York Times this week, 1MDB said that Good Star was owned by PetroSaudi and noted that PetroSaudi had confirmed that 1MDB said it had provided information about these transactions to the Malaysian authorities that are investigating the sovereign fund.

The payments by 1MDB are attracting attention in part because the fund is floundering. In recent weeks, the government announced a restructuring plan that involves the fund’s acceptance of money from the International Petroleum Investment Company, an investment fund affiliated with the Abu Dhabi government that has also made numerous deals with Mr. Low.

If Good Star Limited belonged to PetroSaudi when these billion dollar transactions were made back in 2009-11, how come it did not form part of their group structure ?

And can 1MDB please provide an acceptable explanation as to why Good Star Limited proceeded to pay USD$530 million into Jho Low’s account at BSI Bank in Singapore?

And, while they are about it, perhaps 1MDB would like to explain why they considered it acceptable to ‘pay back’ a one day old ‘loan’ of USD$700 million  at the outset of their so-called joint venture with PetroSaudi – to PetroSaudi, Good Star or anyone else?

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