Innocent Till Proven Guilty?!

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Najib also said that the two Mara Inc executives- who were incriminated by Australian newspaper The Age in the controversial purchase of the Dudley International House property- should not be subject to trial by the media not trial by social media.

“We have to investigate whether what they did was against the law or otherwise. We cannot take action based on suspicion or trial by the media or trial by social media.

“(It) must be decided by the process of the rule of law. You are deemed to be innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent,” he said.

Tell this to all your ministers, bloggers and UMNO cheerleaders who have hurled defamatory and untrue accusations against Mr Justo, who has been arrested in Thailand on the say so of PetroSaudi, supported by Malaysian influence.

Why is Najib not likewise urging these to “wait on the outcome of enquiries” and the due process of the law before condemning him?

And what more stunning and libellous example of trial by media could there possibly be than the hatchet job done by the UMNO owned New Straits Times on Justo, based on information provided by the enemies who made the charges against him?

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