Jabu’s pocket money grants are public money

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Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Alfred Jabu yesterday fulfilled his promise to the Orang Ulus by giving away MRP grants to the community even though he is from Betong. Telang Usan assemblyman Dennis Ngau represented the Layar assemblyman in handing over the grants to the recipients at Dynasty Hotel here yesterday.

The recipients were Long Terawan SIB church (RM20,000), Persatuan Kebangsaan Kenyah Sarawak (RM20,000) and Persatuan Kayan Sarawak, Miri branch (RM20,000). Persatuan Kayan Sarawak Miri branch chairman Philip Ngo, Persatuan Kebangsaan Kenyah Sarawak vice-president Anthony Kule Lalo and Long Terawan SIB church representative Charles Baya received the grants from Dennis. Dennis thanked Jabu for his sincerity in helping the Orang Ulu community.

“Jabu never neglects the Orang Ulu community even though he is in Kuching serving as deputy chief minister and his concern can be seen by his many visits to the Orang Ulu hinterland,” he said.


Dennis Ngau is trying to give the impression that Jabu has raided his personal savings to hand out grants to needy indigenous communities. Everybody knows that this is public money and should be going to the Orang Ulu community anyway! So why is Dennis Ngau sucking up to Jabu by handing out funds and why was Jabu not there to do the task himself?

These petty handouts are nothing in comparison to the wealth that Jabu has accumulated as Deputy CM. Take one of our earlier exposes as an example. Jabu’s family members made half a billion ringgit out of construction contracts under Taib’s reign, wealth that has been transformed into a giant mansion in Kuching.

Last week, it was reported that several BN ministers had signed an integrity pledge against corruption. Questions should therefore be raised as to where Jabu’s vast wealth has originated from and an MACC investigation immediately initiated.

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