Just Sue Sarawak Report, Najib

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Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak questioned the veracity of the UK-based Sarawak Report, which has published a series of allegations against 1MDB.

This came just a day after Sarawak Report claimed that US$650 million of the US$681 million deposited into Najib’s personal bank accounts was transferred back overseas.

However, Najib did not specifically address the latest allegation but focused on the credibility of the whistleblower’s past reports about 1MDB.

“Are the emails true or not? Have they been doctored?” Najib asked, during his speech at the launch of the Umno Kepala Batas delegates meeting today.

“We do not know whether the reports are true or not. We should be asking all these questions,” he said.)

“Even the (claims of) RM42 billion losses (incurred by 1MDB) – if it were true, How come there were offers of billions of ringgit to buy 1MDB assets)?” Najib queried.

How can it possibly be that Najib Razak does not know whether emails and documents published by Sarawak Report about 1MDB are true to not?

He is the boss of 1MDB and was the sole signatory behind every financial transaction.

If it was not true that US$700 million of the original PetroSaudi joint venture was siphoned off to Jho Low’s company Good Star Limited, Najib would certainly know.

He could then take us to court and sue us over this central and very simple issue – problem and confusion solved.  Yet, he has chosen not to.

And when other ministers and forces of law and order started to also demand that this disgraceful theft (and others) should be accounted for he sacked, arrested and sidelined them all.

Clearly, Najib does not care that no one in Malaysia believes him anymore, because he thinks he can bribe and bully enough of the key “courtiers” to accept that their Emperor is wearing clothes.

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