Lawful Authorities….

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1MDB said those who continue making criminal charges against the company should provide evidence if there are grounds for another investigation.

The company zoomed in on Petaling Jaya MP Tony Pua who accused 1MDB of “criminal breach of trust, misappropriation and embezzlement”.

“These are serious criminal accusations so we urge Pua to ‘walk the talk’ and provide his ‘clear cut evidence’ to the lawful authorities for further investigation.

“1MDB has consistently maintained that if there is any evidence of wrongdoing, then action must be taken under the law.

“However, if he cannot provide such evidence, then Pua should stop making wild and unproven allegations, which are clearly politically-motivated,” it said.

The “lawful authority” on whom Mr Kanda is relying (the present Attorney General) is unfortunately not lawfully appointed, in that his predecessor was unconstitutionally removed by a desperate Prime Minister, who ordered guards to march him from his office.

The Agong is the person who can remove the AG and not the Prime Minister using a hastily appointed new Special Branch Chief.

The Prime Minister, like some rogue elephant, has broken every rule and procedure to cling onto power and it is time that the remaining checks are brought in to stop him crashing through the remaining structures of the state.

The Sultans have made clear they do not want 1MDB shelved, they want it solved, so the Agong should remove this AG and the Law Society and Bar Council should formally protest at the blatant abuse of the law by this Prime Minister.

Meanwhile, the evidence is there in spades on our pages and in the documents handed over from PetroSaudi.  The LSE has not only failed to teach Mr Kanda honesty it seems, it has failed even to teach him how to read.

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