Let People Chose Their Own Religion And Be Treated Equally

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A seminar against Christianisation was held in the Lendu, Malacca campus of Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) on Saturday, with one of the presenters being from the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM).

A picture of the seminar first posted online on Saturday, shows a slide presentation with the title ‘Ancaman Gerakan Pemurtadan Kristianisasi’ (Threat of Christian Proselytisation Movement).

The PDRM’s logo appears on the slide presentation.

Malacca chief police officer Chua Ghee Lye confirmed that a Special Branch officer from Bukit Aman had attended the seminar as a presenter.

“The seminar touched upon attempts to convert Muslims to other religions, both in the country and in other nations.

“It was meant to strengthen the akidah (faiths) of Muslims, especially among university students,” Chua told Malaysiakini in a WhatsApp message.

Now that certain Muslims have had their say in Malacca about what they perceive as Christianisation, perhaps this Special Branch mission could next take themselves to Sarawak and Sabah?

There they will at least find solid and indeed extensive factual evidence of such proselytising – this time by Muslims against Christians.

In these states the hierarchy, imposed by the federal authorities are largely Muslim and all power is in Muslim hands.  This establishment is taking full advantage of those powers to attempt to bully the majority of Christian communities in these states to change their religion.

Muslim missionaries have been found in poor villages offering money to folk to sign conversion forms they cannot read, but which are treated as irreversible commitments under the cod laws devised by UMNO. Worse, there have been numerous cases of teachers abusing their position in schools to lure or beat children away from their parents’ beliefs.

And while churches must depend on the generosity of their flocks to survive, Muslim organisations (and their followers) have benefitted from vast handouts from the state.

All this is against the equality of religions and the freedom of individuals to choose their faith, set out in the constitution and under the Malaysia Agreements, so plenty for Special Branch to get stuck into there.

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