Let’s Do This In Court!

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1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) revealed today that it has lodged a police report against those it believes may have leaked or sold confidential documents to parties like whistleblower site Sarawak Report (SR).

The state-owned firm said it believes the information was leaked with “malicious intents” and that this may be in violation of local laws like the Penal Code, the Official Secrets Act 1972, the Houses of Parliament (Privileges and Powers) Act 1952 and the Standing Orders of the Dewan Rakyat of Malaysia.

In a statement here, the firm said it was forced to file the report as despite an open admission by SR of having obtained confidential documents from Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), as well as Wall Street Journal’s claim to have viewed documents on the on-going probe on its financials, no action has been taken, whether against parties who published the said documents or those who leaked them.

The firm also noted that SR had yesterday, for the second time in a few days, published another article with what it admitted were authentic 1MDB documents.

“Given this lack of action, 1MDB has today filed a police report on actions by one or more parties, who we suspect have leaked and/or sold confidential or proprietary information.


Once again1MDB boss Arul Kanda has admitted that Sarawak Report’s evidence of his company’s misdeeds are genuine.

Yet once again he is only concerned about smearing and accusing us and informants, instead of tackling the major crime in hand.

Billions have been looted from the country through the company he manages, a fact that he is now acknowledging to be true.  Yet, he appears to care not one jot!

Who in Malaysia cares a fig about the leaking of information, which he would rather remain confidential, when it is in the public interest to apprehend the criminals concerned?

Sarawak Report would be pleased to submit to his complaint in a court of law on the condition he too agrees to go to trial over the disappearance of billions from his company 1MDB.

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