“No minority group neglected under BN”

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“There is no single minority group neglected in the state as far as the development agenda under Barisan Nasional (BN) is concerned.

Second Resource Planning and Environment Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hassan said BN component parties, such as PBB, were not only focusing on politics, but also on the welfare and interest of the people.

“PBB is also an institution that aims to bring transformation across all aspects but the priority is still the people – not who should dominate or which race should be in power.

“We are mature enough to know the importance for a nation to have a stable political situation,” he said

Had Tengah said that no exploiter, no bribe giver and taker, no corrupt politician or civil servant is neglected it would be difficult to argue with him. But no community? No individual? Who does he think he is fooling?

Let’s start by asking him why Sarawak is full of foreign labourers and his government is planning to bring in thousands more from Bangladesh and Indonesia. Does he claim that all Sarawakians are so well off and so well treated by BN that they wont work? Or is it that they want a living wage, while foreign slave labour is much cheaper, even if it has to be imported?

By ‘stable political situation’ Tengah clearly means a government that never changes, while pretending to be the longest running democracy in the world.

Decades of criminal destruction of the State are all that BN has to show for its time in office, not development, as Sarawak’s status as Malaysia’s richest state but with the poorest people makes plain.

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