Practise What You Preach Adenan

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The Sarawak Mosques Welfare Trust Board (LAKMNS) presented RM2.037 million to 10 Islamic organisations on Tuesday at the State Legislative Assembly (DUN) complex.

Chief Minister Tan Sri Datuk Amar Adenan Satem officiated at the event, which began with Isyak prayers, followed by the Solat Sunat Terawih prayers.

The organisations included the Kabong Muslim Welfare Trust Board and Saratok Muslim Welfare Trust Board.

Also on the list were Masjid Nur Sa’adah, Taman Heng Guan; Masjid Darul Husni Warrahmah, Taman Hussien; Masjid Darul Akmal, Taman Semariang Aman; Masjid Daerah Serian; Masjid Kampung Buntal; Matang Area New Mosque Building Committee; Masjid Solahuddin Al-Ayubbi, Third Infantry Brigade, Penrissen Camp; and Surau An Nur, Taman Palma Indah, Matang.

Adenan also joined the breaking of the fast and performed Maghrib prayers with those present.

Adenan Satem has attempted to curry favour with the Christian majority in Sarawak by indicating he will somehow ignore the controversial new Federal Court ruling that bans them from referring to God in their own language.

Yet, all we see in Sarawak is the promotion of one religion by the powers that be.

Ceremony after ceremony has been reported, featuring ministers handing out money to Muslim organisations and yet when ever was Adenan or any of the ruling BN clique seen supporting, financing or promoting the equal rights of the majority religion in the same way?

In West Malaysia the minority religions are treated like second class citizens, in an antithesis of their democratic rights.  Yet in East Malaysia it is the majority religion that is treated like a second class faith.

Adenan is preaching fairness towards all religions, so he should prove more even-handed!


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