Serious Allegations – Those Which Get Investigated vs Those Which Don’t

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Dr Mahathir Mohamad will be investigated under Section 500 of the Penal Code on criminal defamation for the remarks he made during Bersih 4, inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar said today….

During his appearance on the second day of the rally, Mahathir said, among other things, that Najib had bribed the Umno leaders.

He also urged Umno and BN lawmakers to support a vote of no confidence against Najib.

Khalid said he would inform Mahathir, personally, that he is being investigated, but Khalid is Khalid is certain that Mahathir already knows about this.

He said he has yet to decide on a date when Mahathir will be questioned.

Meanwhile the IGP said police would also look into claims by former journalist Lester Melanyi that Mahathir instructed Sarawak Report to write against the government.

“I have instructed my officers to meet Lester and ask him to make a police report

“His allegation is serious and needs to be looked into,” Khalid said.

Lester claims to have an audio recording of Mahathir’s conversation with Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown, but refused to furnish it when grilled by journalists.

In his speech the former Prime Minister of Malaysia made some serious allegations.

He said that UMNO leaders had been personally bribed by the present Prime Minister with the money he has admitted was paid into his account.

The IGP responded by saying he will investigate the former Prime Minister for defamation.

Meanwhile, the debunked bankrupt Lester Melanyi accused Sarawak Report of yet another ‘crime’ of ‘being in touch’ with the former PM in order to ‘speak ill of the government’.

Local police have sensibly decided no to act on Lester’s increasingly wild and senseless allegations on the basis that he is not well – something apparent to all onlookers… and anyway none of the above is a crime, even were it true.

Lester is also being paid to make these accusations.

The IGP has nevertheless stated he will launch an investigation into Lester’s allegations against Sarawak Report as well.

On the other hand the IGP has closed down the investigations into those highly serious allegations against the Prime Minister, based on known facts, of taking money, rigging the election and bribing ministers.

We all know what the IGP’s colleagues at INTERPOL think of Khalid and his charges.  Doubtless he judges he will have better luck in the Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland state of present Malaysia.

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