Stealing From The Mouths Of Orphans In The Name Of Faith?

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NGO National Oversight and Whistleblowers (NOW) today claimed in its latest expose that RM290,000 taken from Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia (Yapeim) was used to fund a marriage course in Paris, France.

In making the allegation, its director, Akmal Nasir, cited working papers which were allegedly approved by Yapeim.

Akmal also questioned whether de facto Islamic affairs minister Jamil Khir Baharom had officiated at the programme course named ‘Simposium Perdana Paris: Isu Perkahwinan, Kekeluargaan, Keusahwanan dan Pengurusan’ which was held in December last year and early this year.

Based on the working papers, Akmal said that payment was made for two courses, namely the ‘Kursus dan Kembara Santun 2014 Kelab Santun Eropah’ and the ‘Program Transformasi Warga Santun (Amrin) Kelab Santun Eropah’.

The payment shown to be approved by Yapeim in the documents are RM176,500 and RM113,500 respectively.

Akmal said Jamil Khir should answer the allegations as the latter’s name kept cropping up in the documents.

“What is the rationality of organising a wedding course for students?” he asked at a press conference today.

“Yapeim funds should be used to support those who need it the most.”

Jamil Khir earlier denied abusing Yapeim funds and threatened to take legal action against Akmal and all the media which published Akmal’s claim.

Doubtless Jamil intends to use more of the money meant for orphans to fund this legal action against those who dared to question his management of this leaky fund?

This chap seems extremely angry and without a hint of shame, as the country has heard with sickening detail the shocking abuses of a charity supposed to help the meekest and weakest in society, of whom the patron is (of course) the Prime Minister.

Multiple offices of not just one or two, but 11 simultaneous paid employments for members of politically connected families from the Najib inner circle and travel jaunts amounting to hundreds of thousands of ringgit around the capitals of the world for the self-same blood suckers have been funded out of cash designated for the mouths of orphans.

Yet Jamil gets angry with the worthy and brave NGO, the National Oversight and Whistleblowers, which has exposed this scandal and threatens to bring THEM to account rather than addressing the corruption!

How typical and how very unforgivable.

Such is the entrenched privilege and corruption of these leading UMNO families that they have learnt to think that they are entitled to steal from the mouths of children and that, of course, they are above the law that applies to everybody else.

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