Thin Skinned Najib Suffers ‘Hurt Feelings’

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“We allow for peaceful assemblies. Don’t bring racist banners, don’t say anything that is seditious, don’t hurt the feelings of others, and especially, don’t insult the national leaders,” he said when officiating the MCA annual general meeting this morning.

Najib, who is also the BN chairperson, thanked MCA for condemning the acts of some Bersih protestors who had ‘insulted’ national leaders, by saying that the acts are against Chinese culture.

“This is what we should rely on. We may have our differences – it is only natural – but in within BN, we have a process how to harmonise our differences within BN,” he said.

Najib was apparently referring to an incident during the Bersih 4 rally, where apparently Chinese Malaysian protestors stomped on photos of Najib and PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang.

The incident was played up with a racial twist during the Himpunan Rakyat Bersatu, which among other causes was held as a counter-protest to Bersih 4.

So, Najib has taken to lecturing that others should not ‘insult’ him.

Surely this thin skinned politician realises that it a sign of weakness to go round demanding respect, just because of who he is?

A leader should be able to command respect by his bearing and his example and leave others to defend his name.

But no, a 15 year old kid stamps on his picture in a heady moment and the Prime Minister takes to the national stage to fuss and moan about it… and of course to bring in even tighter laws to ‘protect his honour’ further, in the name of securing the safety of the state.

If Najib was able to inspire his people he would not have to demand their respect, because it would come naturally.


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