We Stoop To Threats Like This!

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Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has said another racial riot similar to “that incident” is not impossible, amid the rising racial tension today, apparently alluding to May 13, 1969.

An Utusan Malaysia report today quoted Muhyiddin as saying that racial conflict appears to have become a norm as one race criticises another.

“Because of this, all kinds of assumptions arise, when race relations have reached a level that can trigger tensions and poor relations.

“This can cause that event (and I do not want to mention the date),” Muhyiddin is quoted as saying by the Umno-owned daily.

While the DPM did not mention the date, Utusan‘s headline screamed out the date that the entire generation of older Malaysians have grown up fearing….

“As deputy prime minister, every night before sleep I think about how to manage the country.

“People send me text messages – what is going to happen to the Malays? Why is Islam insulted and other similar matters.

The DPM said Muslims should use religion as their base and strength as well as their culture and customs.

Muhyiddin must spell out which “insults to Islam” these texts are referring to – because there have of course been none in Malaysia.

The insults have all been flying in the other direction, towards the non-Muslim minorities, who are quietly trying to avoid all this manufactured hysteria, which is being stirred up by political opportunists like Muhyiddin himself, seeking to use race and religion to make up for their own lack of electoral appeal.

What Muhyiddin means by this blatant threat, of course, is that if UMNO were to lose power (and along with it the half century of privileged access to the wealth of the country) people like him will not hesitate to bring out thugs and kill people – using race and religion as their excuse.

He is not trying to conceal his threat particularly, because he wants voters for the opposition to understand it.

Prime Minister Najib has already branded the opposition a ‘Chinese Tsunami’, even though it was a majority of Malays who gave the opposition coalition the majority of the popular vote at the last election.

The ‘racial tension’ Muhyiddin refers to is in fact being deliberately stirred up by a new bunch of ‘religious’ extremist thugs, who are being paid for by UMNO out of public funds.

These people are cooking up incidents and are manufacturing reasons to claim Islam has been insulted, while attempting to provoke others in every possible way.

UMNO should not try to unleash and then ride such a monstrous tiger, when Malaysia has achieved so many years of communal peace and harmony.

UMNO’s ruling families should just take their already huge riches (enough for several generations), accept that change always comes and allow democracy a real chance in Malaysia.

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