What Has Malaysia Got To Do With This?

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His new lawyer Worrasit Piriyawiboon filed the appeal in court this morning with 59 pages of supporting documents, just two days before the period to appeal expired.

Among the reasons for the appeal was that Justo did not tamper with the documents he obtained from PetroSaudi International and that it was his first offence.

Worrasit said any damage to the image of Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was because of the activities of third parties who doctored or tampered with the documents that they received from Justo.

He said Justo did not tamper the documents.

“They who doctored the information have to take responsibility and face legal action,” Worrasit told Bernama after filing the appeal in Bangkok today.

Worrasit said in his opinion, Justo’s role in the case was not serious as the documents were tampered with by other people.

So, was Xavier Justo’s “crime” his supposed blackmailing of criminal colleagues at PetroSaudi or was it “damage to the image of the Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak”?

Because, the remarks of his new lawyer (paid for by PetroSaudi?) appears to consider it to be the later, which was not what he was convicted for.

How interesting that the whole case has now evolved from being one about alleged blackmail to an attempt to imply there has been subsequent “tampering” of Justo’s documents.

None of the protagonists have been able to bring a shred of evidence of any such tampering, because there wasn’t any.  If there had been Sarawak Report, The Edge and the Sunday Times would have been sued in court.

To the contrary, official investigators the world over are now looking into the conduct at 1MDB – and ALL the evidence so far has corroborated Sarawak Report’s publications of Justo’s and other documents.

What reputation does Najib Razak have that can be damaged under such circumstances?

We await this legal action that is being talked about by Worrasit Piriyawiboon, but we, he and his friends at PetroSaudi know it is just talk as they would never dare to test the evidence in a court of law.

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