Who Says ‘HARAM’?

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Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has condemned the organisers of demonstrations in Kuala Lumpur calling for his resignation as “haram”, during his annual address on the eve of Independence Day.

Tens of thousands of protesters have called for Najib to stand down, after leaked documents in July showed he received about $700m in his private accounts from entities linked to an indebted state fund.

Najib said the protests mirrored “the shallowness of patriotism” and reminded protesters that the mufti of the state of Kelantan had called the protest organisers – the electoral reform pressure group Bersih – “haram”.

“Before I make a further statement, I appeal to all, especially those here, either sitting here or standing, that without wasting time, let’s focus our attention to silence and ponder and close our eyes,” Najib said.

“The fact that we are gathered here peacefully is a testament to the leadership of the country as well as those defending the safety of the country. That is why we are against any demonstrations.”

Mr Najib Razak, Is monstrous theft not Haram?  Is bribery not Haram?  Is lying not Haram?  Is perverting the course of justice not Haram? Is cheating not Haram?

And yet you have the brass neck to stand up and call the democratic right to freedom of expression Haram?

What on earth did they teach you at that British boarding school?….

and by the way, from whom did that same British boarding school (Malvern College) receive its own ‘secret donation‘ in order to build its shiny new Abdul Razak Science Centre?

We would hate to think that Malaysian development money might yet again have been involved, so we pose yet another doubtless fruitless request for transparency over this matter of the Abdul Razak Science Centre at Malvern College on the day Transparency International opens their Anti-Corruption Conference in KL, which you have just run away from addressing.

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