
Time To Arrest And Question Phengphian Laogumnerd?

This apparently wealthy gentleman from Bangkok plainly knows all there is to know about the whereabouts of Jho Low and so much more ……..

“I Am Alright Jack” AKA Najib Razak?

Najib’s mask is like “an open air exhaust and “that’s the danger” say experts, who have explained his expensive one-way valve design “is only going to protect the person wearing it”……

Who Secretly Controls What In Abu Dhabi?

Following yesterday’s exclusive expose, we ask has power over the oil rich kingdom covertly slipped from the hands of the ruler into those of only two of his many half-brothers, sons and cousins – including control of his private wealth? If so, why has it not been made official and is everyone supportive of what has been done?…….

Sovereign Stealth Funds? EXCLUSIVE

Stunning evidence before a London court claims the entire private wealth of the “incapacitated” President of the Emirates has been quietly transferred into the control of the two Abu Dhabi Princes linked to Malaysia’s 1MDB scandal……

What Has Happened To The Supreme Court Decision Over IPIC?

If Malaysia has been short-changed by the British legal system and is still impatiently waiting to hear if the IPIC Supreme Court application has succeeded or failed, then it is high time this new AG made a public complaint and demanded justice, rather than simply issuing statements that misrepresent what was written in Sarawak Report……

Money Matters – How $3.9bn = $2.5 bn

So, the US$3.9 billion turns out to be a smoke and mirrors con job. Goldman is actually only paying $2.5 bn and the rest is the same old asset seizure by the DOJ that has already been recycled through the Riza settlement as well! What’s new when we are dealing with UMNO, 1MDB and Goldman Sachs?…….

Tony Pua Calls On China To Investigate 1MDB Corruption Links

The complicity of Goldman Sachs has been called out by the United States’ Department of Justice, but what is the supposedly anti-corruption government of China doing about the blatant role of the vast state bank ICBC in laundering Malaysia’s stolen billions asks DAP’s Tony Pua…..

Tarek’s Treasure Trove Tagged In London

Who is left surprised to learn that over US$340 million of 1MDB’s misappropriated cash has apparently been found nestling in the client account of a major US law firm and that there is more sitting in one of the UK’s top banks?…..

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